Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

Records of the Deportation and Le Grand Dérangement, 1714-1768


Minutes of a Council held on board The Beaufort, on Monday the 31st of July 1749.


His Excellency The Governor
Peregrine Thomas HopsonBenjamin Green
Paul MascareneJohn Salisbury
Robert EllisonHugh Davidson
James Francis MercerWilliam Steel
* Capt. Gorham

      His Excellency nominated John Horseman, Lieutenant Colonel of Col. Warburton's Regiment of Poot, & Charles Lawrence, Major, members of His Majesty's Council, & administered to them their Usual Oaths.

      Deputys from the several French Districts having arrived the 29th according to Orders from His Excellency, viz.

Alexander Habert}
Joseph Dugad} from Annaplois
Claude Le Blanc} from La Grand Pre
Jean Melancon} Riviere de Canard
Baptiste Gaillard}
Pierre Landry} Piziquid
Pierre Gotrau} Cobequid
Pierre Doucet}
Francois Bourg} Chinecto
Alexr. Brossart} Chippodie

      They were called in before the Council & asked what resolutions The French Inhabitants had taken in Consequence of His Majesty's Declaration.

      Jean Melancons deliverd to His Excellency a letter wherein he said was contain'd their Answer.    
    * Colonel John Gorham was a native of the Province of Massachusetts. In 1745 he was stationed in command of a party of provincial troops at Annapolis, which place being threatened by the enemy, he was sent to Boston to raise troops for its defence. While there he was induced to join the expedition then fitting out against Cape Breton. He was appointed Lt. Colonel of his father's regiment, and, on the death of his father at Louisburg, was promoted by Genl. Pepperell to be full Colonel. In one of his letters to Sir William Pepperell, he thanks him for the appointment, and requests a letter of recommendation to assist him in carrying through his memorial, then before the Massachusetts Legislature, to be reimbursed for outlays made by him in the public service. Colonel Gorham returned to Annapolis after the capture of Louisburg, and was placed by Governor Shirley in command of the Boston troops sent to Minas with Colonel No,ble; but was not present at the engagement with the French at Grandpre, where Noble was killed. He afterwards had command of a company of Rangers, composed of Indians, raised in New England for service in Acadia. Mr. Gorham came from Annapolis with his Rangers to Chebucto in 1749. It is probable that he was one of the five members of the Council

Selections NSHS II ~ Brown NSHS III ~ Winslow NSHS IV ~ Winslow

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