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His Majestys Government; and Provided Likewise they doe give all possible countenance and assistance to such Persons as his Majesty shall think proper to settle in this Province.
And I doe hereby in his Majesties Name Strictly Charge and forbid all Persons whatever from possessing themselves of any cultivated land within this Province without a Grant for the same under the seall of this Province first had and obtained as also that no Person or Persons whatever do Export out of this Province to any Foreign Settlement whatever any corn cattle or Provisions of any kind without especiall leave for that purpose. Given at Chebucto the 14th July 1749.
Countersigned by order of his Excellency
At a Council, holden on board the Beaufort Transport, on friday the 14. July 1749.
His Excellency The Governor |
Paul Mascarene Esqr |
* Edward How Esqr |
John Goreham Esqr |
Benjamin Green Esqr |
John Salisbury Esqr |
Hugh Davidson Esqr. |
His Excellency opend & read His Majesty's Commission & Instructions —— particularly the Instructions relating to His Majesty's French Subjects — & the Declaration to be issued by His Majesty's Order.
* Edward How was a member of His Majesty's Council at Annapolis in 1744. He was with Colonel Noble in the affair at Mines (Horton) in 1747, when that officer was surprised and killed by the French under DeRamezay. Mr. How was severely wounded and taken prisoner on that occasion, bnt was sent home on his parole, and afterwards exchanged. He came down to Chebucto with Governor Mascarene, and took his place next to him in the Council. He was frequently employed in difficult and important negotiations with the Indians and the French authorities. He was treacherously and barbarously murdered at the instigation of LeLutre, the priest, near Beaubasin in 1751. — See letter from Louisburg and one from Capt. Cotterell in subsequent pages.
Captain How left a widow, who afterwards made a claim on Government for a large sum of money advanced by her husband for the public service. Captain Richard U. How, late of the 8lst Regt., formerly of Halifax, was one of his descendants.