A Declaration with relation to the French Subjects of His Majesty King George Inhabiting Nova Scotia, sent to the Acadian French by Govr. Cornwallis on the formation of the Civil Government at Halifax in 1749.
(Govr. Cornwallis' Letter Book.)
A Declaration of the Honble. EDWARD CORNWALLIS Esqr. Captn. Generall and Governor in Chieff in and over his Majesties Province of Nova Scotia or Accadia in North America.
Whereas for the better Peopleing this his majesties Province of Nova Scotia and improving and extending the trade and Fishery thereof, His majesty has thought fit to cause a considerable number of British subjects to be forthwith settled in the said province. In order therefore that his majesty's subjects the French Inhabitants of this province may give all countenance, assistance and encouragement to the said settlers, I doe hereby declare in his majesty's Name that his majesty altho. fully sensible that the many indulgences, which, he and his Royall Predecessors have shewn to the said inhabitants in allowing them the entirely free exercise of their Religion and the quiet and peaceable Possession of their Lands, have not met with a dutifull Return, but on the Contrary divers of the said Inhabitants have openly abetted or privately assisted His majesty's Enemies in their attempts, by furnishing them with quarters, Provisions and intelligence and concealing their designs from his Majestys Governor insomuch that the Enemy more than once appeared under the walls of Annapolis Royall, before the Garrison had any notice of their being within the Province, Yet His Majesty being Desireous of showing further marks of his Royall Grace to the said Inhabitants in hopes thereby to induce them to become for the future true and Loyall Subjects, is Graciously pleased to allow that the said inhabitants shall continue in the free exorcise of their Religion, as far as the Laws of Great Brittain doe allow the same as also the peaceable possession of such lands as are under their cultivation; Provided that the said Inhabitants do within Three months from the date of this Declaration take the oaths of Allegiance: appointed to be taken by the Laws of Great Britain and likewise submit to such Rules and orders as may hereafter be thought proper to be made for the maintaining and supporting