Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

Records of the Deportation and Le Grand Dérangement, 1714-1768


the Community in General, not only the kind reception & Entertainment you give our Deserters, but your furnishing them as also the Indians with Arms Powder & Ball and Cloath'g them with your own apparall &c. but having already Communicated that by another Way I shall at present conclude with a desire that you will duly Consider what I now and have frequently told you that by an amendment I may have some room for subscribing myself

Messrs. yr. H. servt.      



Govr. Mascarene to Duke of Bedford.


8th September, 1748.      

My LORD, —

      *   *   *   * His Majesty’s Ship Portmahon stationed here went up the Bay to Manis about a month ago with two armed Schooners to convoy a Sloop with effects sent by order of Governor Shirley from New England to pay off the expenses of the detachments of New England Troops quartered at Manis in the Winter of the year 1746. There was at that settlement a faction composed of those Inhabitants who by having appeared too openly in the Enemies interest were exempted from the benefit of a declaration of Governor Shirley drawn up pursuant to orders received from home and sent to be dispersed amongst the French Inhabitants of this Province. This faction being supported from Canada Encouraged and sheltered the soldiers deserting from this Garrison and by the assistance of the roving Indians kept the French Inhabitants up the Bay from paying due obedience to the orders of Government, the force sent up especially at this juncture when they can not expect succours from Canada or France will I hope reduce or disperse this faction and enable those who may be well enclined amongst the Inhabitants to reasume a proper influence over the rest.

      It will require time and good care to bring these French Inhabitants to be good subjects and to wean them of that linclination they naturally have for the French interest from their ties of consanguinity and religion.

I am &c.      


The Duke of Bedford

      Secretary of State, &c. &c.

Selections NSHS II ~ Brown NSHS III ~ Winslow NSHS IV ~ Winslow

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