Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

Records of the Deportation and Le Grand Dérangement, 1714-1768


Thief may be Reckoned with him a partaker and Consequently Liable to the Like punishment but to Descend to a few particulars. What can be a greater piece of Contempt than op:posing the publishing of the proclamation issued by his Majesty's Express command the stopping of my Pakett with one therein Enclosed for Chicanecto and throwing the address into the fire the Harbouring & Entertaining all those mentiond in said Proclamation in Defiance of his Majesty's authority and Concealing so far as in you lies the Chief and principal abettors of such a Rebellious Faction does not your concealmt of these things bespeak you guilty in consenting to and yeilding to their Ways and that you are thereby much greater foes than friends to the Govmt. to which you have sworn obedience and upon a strict scrutiny may you not in some Respect be charged with perjury as well as with Contempt of his Majesty's Bounty, if you should tacitly suffer such proceedings amongst you and yeild Obedience to that Banditti who are, surely seeking your ruin as well as their own by involving you thus Insensibly in their guilt.
      Let me therefore prevail with you if you have any Love for your selves or Regard for your posterity to recollect my Repeated advice and avoid those mischiefs wch. that Banditti thro hope of assistance from France are Endeavouring to draw upon you.  
      But further why came you either to suffer or Employ Alex. Bourg to act as Notary from which Employ you all know he was some years ago dismissed for his unwarrantable proceedings in that office, he seems indeed to be cloathed with the Heighth of Insolence to assume that title and to pass Deeds under that name. I therefore desire to know his Authority and that you the Deputies do inform me forthwith by whose Commission and Appointment he thus holds that office of Notary Publick and that you immediately see that he pays all the fines of Alienations and other His Majesty’s dues on that accot. into the hands of the proper person Rene Le Blanc who was chosen by my self and his Majesty's Council to act in said office and to receive the fees accordingly; and I furthermore require you the Deputies that you acquaint the said Alex. Bourg that I expect that he will as receivor immediately send me a Just & Exact accot. of all His Majesty’s Quit Rents since he sent me in his first accot. and also Rene L'Blanc of all fines of Alienations & of Deeds made by him as Notary Publick that I may give any Farther Directions thereupon.  
      I might hereunto add a further accusation against you and  

Selections NSHS II ~ Brown NSHS III ~ Winslow NSHS IV ~ Winslow

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