Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

Records of the Deportation and Le Grand Dérangement, 1714-1768


Govr. Mascarene to the Acadian Deputies.

(Letter Book.)

30 August 1748      


      If you are capable of Reflection you must needs imagine that notwithstanding my Silence upon severall Subjects of late entirely contradictory to many General Instructions and my repeated Orders with my best and Friendly advice to you the Deputys and your Respective districts wch. your repeated promise of strict Obedience to his Britannick Majesty our most Gracious Sovereign do clearly Evidence I say you must needs Imagine that I cannot possibly avoid being moved to find so small a Correspondence between your words and actions wch. may undoubtedly Cause the Sincerity of your Promises to be much suspected and consequently render all my Endeavours to promote your happiness abortive, and of no Effect wch. I once more recommend to your consideration to prevent if possible the wofull and Contrary Effects that the Contempt and Disobedience of some amongst you will its to be feard in Time bring to pass and therefore remember that as men will be Judg'd upon the Conformity of their Words and actions and that as the latter will be Esteemd the Standard that if yours comes to be compared and justly Weighd your fruitless Words and promises will turn Witness against you and prove to your Disadvantage.

      By what I have now said you may easily perceive that I mean and point at a General Contempt of orders and your late Disrespect thereby shown to His Britannick Majesty your sole most Gracious Sovereign my Master.

      You may perhaps Fancy that this is all surmise, but if you do you will only thereby involve yourselves the more into inextricable Difficultys wch. I advise you to Avoid in Time by Distinguishing yourselves as you ought.

      I know there are Divisions amongst you and that you live as if you were all Independt. State but what will that avail either of you while your disputes contribute nothing to the Common Weal by sttengthning the Hands of this Govmt. which you ought to support to lay hold on those Turbulent and unruly Disturbers of the peace, Especially such as are prescribed and their upholders who perhaps sooner than they expect may meet with the same fate. Be not deceiv'd, I know perhaps more of these Affairs that you Imagine, notwithstanding your Secresy wch. may in time prove to your condemnation for, whoever consenteth to and concealeth a

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