Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

Records of the Deportation and Le Grand Dérangement, 1714-1768


their Petition contained what might make them appear not inclined to assist the Govornment; which they answered was not their intention, they being always ready except in this point, which they desired to be discharged from, and some motion being made to return their petition to amend it, they were bid to appear on Friday the 28th instant, and then adjourned till said day.
      Friday the 28th of December 1744, met according to adjournment, the same members present.  
      The Deputies appeared again and being asked for their Petition, they said that seeing their demand would not be granted, they choose to withdraw it. The Commander in Chief repeated to them in substance what he had told them before, that it was the custom allowed in all nations when the public service required it to take pilots and guides, that he could not grant them an exemption from that service, since he should not be able to answer it, if the public service should suffer by his not giving leave to take pilots and guides when they were to be had; that all he could do, was to leave it to their choice either to furnish one when demanded, or that such should be pressed when the service should require it.  

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      At a Council held by order of the Honble. Paul Mascarene, Esq., President and Commander in Chief &c., at his own house in the fort of Annapolis Royal on Friday the 4th of January 1744-5.  


His Honor the President.

William Skene Esq, Erasmus James Philipps Esq, Otho Hamilton Esq, Edward How Esq, Edward Amherst Esq.
      His Honour laid before the Board 2 letters he had received from the inhabitants of Mines and Pizziquid, acquainting him of their having chosen their Deputies according to his orders, making many excuses for their not having done it before, and promising for the future to pay an exact obedience to the orders of the Government.  
      Another letter from the inhabitants of Grand Pree, river Canard and Pizziquid, in conjunction, assuring him of their intention to continue faithful subjects to His Majesty King George, and having that confidence in him as children towards  

Selections NSHS II ~ Brown NSHS III ~ Winslow NSHS IV ~ Winslow

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