Extract from a letter oj Gov. Mascarene to the Deputies of Chicanecto.
(Letter Book.)
(Translated from the French.)
Before closing I must inform you, that in the petition which you havo presented to me, you make use of terms which require explanation; for, therein you say "that you will adhere to the promise that you have made to take up arms neither for nor against the King of Great Britain." I must repeat what I have so often told you, that the King of Great Britain is your lawful sovereign, by the cession which his most Christian Majesty made to him, of the country and of the inhabitants who chose to remain here — rendering themselves the subjects of his Britannic Majesty in taking the oath of allegiance to him, whereby they were to enjoy their property, and the free exercise of their religion. If in taking this oath of allegiance, the government was kind enough to say to you, that it would not compel you to take up arms, it was out of pure deference, and more than had been stipulated for you. In consequeuce of your oath you owe every obedience and every assistance to the King your Sovereign; and you ought to take it as a great favour that he does not compel you to take up arms.
But you owe no assistance, no obedience to any authority that does not emanate from his Britannic Majesty; and you have the strongest reason for abstaining from giving any assistance to his enemies.
Reflect well upon this, and upon what I have pointed out to you in my preceding letters, in order that you may rectify your conduct in those particulars in which you have erred."
Be assured, that, if you do this, and behave yourselves as faithful subjects of the King of Great Britain, you shall have in me,
A friend and Servant.
Annapolis Royal, Nov. 16, 1744.
To the deputies of the department of Chicanecto, to be read in public.