Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

Records of the Deportation and Le Grand Dérangement, 1714-1768


landed & having gather'd together several nations of the Savages, to about 450 more; as I have been informed, arriv'd at the head of our river, amongst whom were also, as it is reported, some of our Menis Inhabitants, & in two days after came nearer to us & never ceased harrassing us both night & day.

      We have had two more Reinforcements from the Massachusetts Governmt.; the whole they have sent us being 170 men, the last are a Company of Rangers under the Command of Capt. Gorham, but are too weak to cope with such a number of adversarys, who since their Arrival gave out that they daily expected a Reinforcement of 250 more, (who for ought we know, have join'd them as their fires seem to be increas'd) besides a strong Armament by sea, which they gave out had also Land forces on Board. This Armament it is said to consist of a 70 & a 60 Gun ship with a large Schooner with all manner of warlike stores necessary for the Reduction of the place, & indeed I must say they are already masters of the whole province, except this Fort, which I am determin'd to defend to the utmost of my power, had we only the common necessarys of Life, which at present are not a little wanted, for the lower house of Representatives, tho' they have consented to send us men, yet they object against the Expence of provisions, pay, arming & Clothing their men, who are almost naked, & most without arms, & not having above a fortnights provisions, they must enter upon those sent for the Regiment or be sent back which will endanger the Garrison. If in this our deplorable state I should, by drawing Bills with the advice of the Officers for the Subsistance of these auxiliarys, do thereby what may appear irregular; I hope necessity will plead in my behalf, as I have no other views than the publick service by keeping this fort as long as I am able with the Officers & men under my command; & I trust yom Lordships will represent the Situation we are in, in such a manner to his Majesty as may graciously accept of our best endeavours in maintaining this place to the utmost of our ability & power, & the circumstances we are in will allow of & that his Majesty may favourably look over the mistakes which at this Distance our not knowing how to go thro' the proper channells may occasion — I must also acquaint your Lordships that Monsr Duvivier, who took Canso & commands this flying party, hath given it out that he is to remain here the winter, with 1200 men & intends, if the Ships before mention'd don't arrive, to take us by an assault if we don't

Selections NSHS II ~ Brown NSHS III ~ Winslow NSHS IV ~ Winslow

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