Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

Records of the Deportation and Le Grand Dérangement, 1714-1768


expected surprise I therefore in Friendship to you Desire You may send me your Reasons for sd. Refusall and not giving the Deputys of the River Canard a copy of sd. Orders And in hope you are not shaken in your Allegiance to our Sovereign the King of Great Britain I still subscribe myselfe
Your friend & Servant,      

To Monsr. Alexr. Bourg,
      Notary at Mines.


Govr. Mascarene to Lords of Trade.

ANNAPOLIS ROYAL, 20th Sept. 1744.      

      As it is my Duty, so I humbly think I have never fail'd laying before your Lordships his Grace the Duke of Newcastle & the Secy at war, the true state of this his Majesty's Province and Garrison & what we most apprehend in case of a war with France; & that since the Receipt, of the Lords of the Regency's circular Letter I had used my utmost Endeavours to put the Fort in the best posture of Defence our time & the Circumstances we were in would possibly permit, & hope your Lordships will pardon the Trouble of these frequent & necessary Representations.  
      Since 9th June last the Emissarys of the French at Lewisburg have stirr'd up & prevail'd with the Indians to side with them, and accordingly having broke their faith with us, being wholly devoted to the false Tenet of their much more deceitfull Priests, came on ye first of July to the number of about 300 as I have been informed to assault & demand the Fort, which was then in a very weak condition for want of materials to repair, as well as almost men to defend it; for the French who hitherto had not only furnish'd us with Timbers, but assisted us in carrying on the other necessary works, intirely left us, by which means they so far gain'd their End as to retard our fortifying & even to deprive us of Firewood, & continu'd infesting us till the 5th; that a Reinforcement of 70 men, upon representation of our state to the Govr. of ye Massachusetts arriv'd from that Province, upon which they retir'd to Menis, where they remain'd waiting for news from Lewisburg, from whence by way of Bay Avert & Chicanecto, some Officers & Regular Troops to the number of 200 being  

Selections NSHS II ~ Brown NSHS III ~ Winslow NSHS IV ~ Winslow

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