Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

Records of the Deportation and Le Grand Dérangement, 1714-1768


that Recourse thereunto may be Had as the case at any time may Require, So that if the Inhabitants will live in peace and have Regard to their True Interest, I doubt not but by Duely observeing and Executing the Orders Recommended to them that peace will be thereby maintained amongst us Because when once the Savages are made Truely sensible that their Depredations will Infallibly cause the Inhabitants Ruin they will be thereby Restraind For I beleive that which Contributes most to the promoting of these their unwarrantable Enterprises is that they think they do thereby Service to the Inhabitants seeing they find the Inhabitants so much Inclin'd to Receive and Take of their unjust Spoils, which is monstrous.
      We have no News Since I wrote you Last. Gautier is Dayly Expected. It will be proper to Signify to the Savages that in case war may Ever at any time be Proclaimed Between the two Crowns That I shall When it so Happens make it Publickly known which when done is not a declareing war in this Country Either against the Inhabitants or Savages who if they are wise may live in peace in Regard to us, Notwithstanding any such Distant Troubles which is what you ought to make Both the Inhabitants and Savages fully Comprehend for altho' we have not as yet any News of a War Being Proclaimed Between Great Britain & france Still it is Necessary to prepare peoples minds in case any such thing should so Happen. I am  
Your friend and Servt.      

To Alexr. Bourg
      Notary &c. at Minas.  
      By his Hour. the Presidts Command.  
      W. SHIRREFF, Secy.


Gov. Mascarene to M. Goudalie, Priest.

SIR, —
      I am Well satisfyed with the assurances you Give me on your Side as well as those of the other Missionary's to Act in Concert in maintaining the Inhabitants of this Province in peace and Tranquility and in their duty towards the Goverment as the Oath They Have Taken Obliges them to, Mr. Laboret is the only one I have a Bad Opinion of and With whom I perceive I shall be Obliged to Proceed in such a  

Selections NSHS II ~ Brown NSHS III ~ Winslow NSHS IV ~ Winslow

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