Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

Records of the Deportation and Le Grand Dérangement, 1714-1768


sensible he has no right to it, and in consequence of the minute of Council, I have ordered the two priests he sent to depart the Province.

      I can not answer whether they will obey, and how far in such a case, it will be in the power of the Government to force them to it.

      The representations already made of the nature and inclinations of the Inhabitants, and of the pawer we have over them will show the difficulty this Government labors under to enforce the orders given in such cases; but as the yielding to that Bishop the power of throwing his Missionaries here at pleasure, will be a bar ever to bring these French Inhabitants to a due obedience to His Majesty's Government, I have made it my constant study to prevent any new Missionaries coming, and to keep those I found had been indulged by the former Governors and Commanders in Chief into a due regard to the Government, and for these twelve months past I have met with pretty good success.

      The letters enclosed are in the French language in which they were writ, and have been answered, not only as this being the last opportunity there is here to write this Winter, no time was allowed for translating them and hardly enough for transcribing but as it shews I am obliged to make use of that language in what Concerns the Inhabitants here who understand as yet no other.

I am &c.      



Govr. Mascarene to Alexander Bourg.

(Order Book.)

ANNAPOLIS ROYAL, Octobr. 21st 1743      

SIR, —

      Upon the flying Reports of the Savages Behaviour and Intention of Causeing Disturbance in the Country, I have in Council Advised upon Such means & methods of maintaining peace in this Province as I hope will prove effectual, Notwithstanding the Troubles that may be Elsewhere. And I have sent you the Result of these Consultations Included in the Proclamation Herewith sent You which you are to See may be Publickly Read in the Severall Districts Within the Extent of your Commission after which you are to place the sd. Proclamation amongst the Other Records of Your Office

Selections NSHS II ~ Brown NSHS III ~ Winslow NSHS IV ~ Winslow

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