of the leave obtain'd by the Inhabitants he shall before he shall exercise any part of his Priestly fonction present himself to the Govr. or Commander-in-Chief and his Majesty's Council for Admittance or Approbation.
That in case any of them thus Admitted shall at any Time behave themselves Irregularly and with Contempt and disrespect to the rules and orders of this His Majesty's Province while they are in it, they may expect to be dismissed the same.
That it is agreed upon and expected by the Goverment that no Missionary Priest thus admitted shall possess himself of nor exercise any part of his Priestly function in any other parish than in that for which he Was petitioned without the Goverment's permission first had and obtained nor is any priest so admitted by the Goverment to remove himself from the parish allotted to him to another by any authority but by that of this Goverment.
That no Romish Priest of any degree or Denomination shall Presume to Exercise any of their Ecclesiasticall Jurisdiction within this his Majesty's said Province.
By order of his Honour the President
by & With the Advice of the Council
Governor Mascarene to Secretary of State.
I have missed no proper opportunity to acquaint Your Grace with the transactions here and lately on the 24th September and 2nd October last, since which I have received a letter from the Bishop of Quebec with others from two other Priests he has sent into this Province, which, with the answers thereunto, and the minute of Council thereon are here enclosed. That Bishop pretends to the power of sending at pleasure his missionaries into this Government, as presuming it a part of his diocese and would dignify one or more of those with the title of grand Vicars for this Province. As this has never been allowed, and would be of bad consequence, I endeavour in my answer to his letter to make him