Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

Records of the Deportation and Le Grand Dérangement, 1714-1768


matter of settling themselves on the unappropriated lands, which irregularity arises from the great increase of their Families.

      "The inclosed papers contain Minutes of Council on the declaration of a Master of a small vessel, who was plundered at the upper end of our Bay by some of the roving Indians. These minutes and the letters thereunto annexed, will show the good disposition of the French Inhabitants and even of most of the Indians to maintain the Peace and obviate these disorders.

      "The extract of letters expresses the confusion occasioned by the disorderly settlement of some families up this Bay, and what remedy our present circumstances allow us to afford thereto. .And the latter part of the said extract shews that the Romanish Missionary Priests are brought to a better behaviour."


Governor Mascarene to the Deputies of Chignecto.

(Order Book.)

ANNAPOLIS ROYALLE, 12 July 1742.      


      I received your letter of the 4 July N.S. by the Sieur Bergereau & read it to ye Council the Marks of yr Submission & the sentiments you express in Regard to your past ill Conduct will not be unacceptahle provided you do not stop at words only but will shew by your future behaviour that you are sincere in what you have expressed therein. Your so long persisting in slighting the Orders relating to Monsr. St Poncys withdrawing and many amongst you Settling themselves on the unappropriated lands notwithstanding the many repeated orders to the Contrary have left impressions not at all in your favour, & which behoves you to endeavour to wipe off by Conforming for ye future your actions to the regulations & orders made for the peace & good order of this Provce. As I have endeavourd to make you sensible of ye ease you enjoy under His Majesty’s Government so I have not faild often to remind you of the Danger you may throw yourselves in if by continuing in your Disobedience & disorderly behaviour you abuse the patience & forbearance that has been shewn to you hitherto. I am willing to hope that you are come to a better sense of yr. duty & that you will earnestly endeavour to retrieve your past faults by a better conduct for

Selections NSHS II ~ Brown NSHS III ~ Winslow NSHS IV ~ Winslow

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