Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

Records of the Deportation and Le Grand Dérangement, 1714-1768


order in their Parishes, will Establish Ease & quiet whereof an opposite conduct will infallibly deprive the lnhabitants of the benefit they think they enjoy by having Missionary Priests amongst them. I repeat this to you who att your being here have heard it often & have ownd the Reasonableness of these Regulations I say I repeat this to you, that you may by giving notice of it prevent any Priests to come within this Govt. without being sent for as mentioned before or settle themselves without approbation or appointment from hence. I found you so well dispos'd since I have personally known you during your residence here to conform to those rules established for good order &. peace that I make no doubt of your continuing in the same good intention and that by your example & admonitions you will Contribute to keep the Missionarys in their Duty to this Govmt. & the Inhabitants in the obedience they owe according to the oath they have taken to His Majesty the King of Great Britain. I desire you will inquire whether the Inhabitants of Menis have purchased of the Indians any of the Goods plundered from the New Engd. Vessell belonging to Trefry, & particularly of eight or Ten fathoms of Cable which were cut off from the anchors left ashore when the Vessell was carried off which cable must certainly have been cutt by some of the Inhabitants near the Place where the anchors were left.
I am with very great esteem      
Your most humble servt.      

Monsr. de La Goudalie
      Missionary Priest at Menis  

By His Honour's Command.



Extracts from a Letter of Gov. Mascarene to His Grace the Duke of Newcastle, dated 28th June, 1742.

      "The frequent rumours we have had of War being on the point of being declared against France, have not as yet made any alteration in the Temper of the Inhabitants of this Province who appear in a good disposition of keeping to their oaths of fidelity, and of submitting to the orders and regulations of this Government for maintaining Peace, except in the  

Selections NSHS II ~ Brown NSHS III ~ Winslow NSHS IV ~ Winslow

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