Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

Records of the Deportation and Le Grand Dérangement, 1714-1768


valid, will not risk their lawful possessions by defrauding; and for those who have no right neither to the produce which they have enjoyed which may be required of them at a proper season and place. You may assure yourselves that as long as you shall behave well I shall be


Your Friend & Servant      


To the Deputies of Chiconecto

      &c. &c. &c.


Govr. Mascarene to Mons: de la Goudalie.

(Order Book.)

ANNAPOLIS ROYAL, 16 June 1742.      


      I Received your Letter by Grand Pierratt and am Glad to hear that you got safe to Menis. Monsr. des Enclaves is also arrived here & when Monsr. Laborett is got to Chiconecto and Mons. St. Poncy has quitted ye Province which I desire may be as soon as possible, the Missionarys will be settled according te the Regulation passed in Council wch. may be a means to Remove the uneasiness which this last Especially has occasioned by his so long Refusing to Comply with the orders sent to him. To Prevent any such uneasiness for the future it must be remembered that when any of the Missionarys who are allowd by the said Regulation causes a vacancy by his Death or withdrawing out of the Province, the Inhabitts. of that Parish must apply here for leave to send for another, and that on such a leave being obtained a new Missionary comes in this Provce. he is not to settle himself or exercise his function till by Repairing to this place he has obtained the approbation of the Commander in Chief for the time being and of the Council according to the Regulation of the Council and is directed from hence to ye Parish appointed to him to officiate in. And that no Missionary who is thus appointed shall remove to any other Parish without leave first obtained from this Govment. This with a Peaceable & good behaviour on the part of the Missionarys & their not intermeddling with any Civil affairs but exhortg. the Inhabitants to the obedience which they owe as Subjects to His Majesty the King of Great Britain and their promoting peace and good

Selections NSHS II ~ Brown NSHS III ~ Winslow NSHS IV ~ Winslow

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