Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

Records of the Deportation and Le Grand Dérangement, 1714-1768


weakness manifestly appears by our not being able to hinder them, it makes the several repeated orders to be more and more unregarded, and the licence in that respect increase more and more. *   *   *   *
      The Roamish Missionary Priests give no small trouble, all care possible is taken to keep them in order by obliging them to conform to rules prescribed to them for their behaviour and by preventing them from exercising any ecclesiastical authority. It is not however possible to hinder the subordination these Missionaries lay themselves under to one another and to their Bishop, which has been the reason that one who was here and had behaved tolerably well, chose to withdraw rather than stay contrary to the orders prescribed to him by his Ghostly superiors. What has passed in this case in Council and towards putting these Missionaries under more restraint, is contained in the enclosed minute of Council. He who calls himself the Bishop of Quebec's Graud Vicar, and who is lately returned from France into this Province, having been summoned by my letter to him to appear here has accordingly submitted to what was prescribed to him. I shall endeavour to act in the best manner I am able for the support of his Majesty's authority, and for the keeping the peace and good order among the inhabitants of this Province. Hoping your Lordships will afford your assistance in procuring the necessary instructions on the representations laid before your Lordships. I am, &c.,  


Govr. Mascarene to Deputies of Chignecto.

(Letter Book.)

11 January 1742      

      Your district of Chiconecto has been so long under a kind of disobedience that it will not be very easy for you to recover the good will of the Government, — repentance and amendment are always necessary to wipe off faults committed by disobedience, and 'tis that which you and the Inhabitants in your parts must undergo, if you will prevent the sensible token of resentment which otherwise may soon fall upon you. I send you enclosed a proclamation past in Council, which  

Selections NSHS II ~ Brown NSHS III ~ Winslow NSHS IV ~ Winslow

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