Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

Records of the Deportation and Le Grand Dérangement, 1714-1768


ruin if they should in the least encourage them to slight or resist the orders of this Govment. to which as Subjects they ought to pay obedience.

I am with esteem      



Annapolis Royal

      Sept 5 1741.

Monsr. Des Enclaves.


Governor Mascarene to Lords of Trade.


23rd November 1741      


      *   *   *   * The proclamation transmitted last to Your Lordships, had so far effect as to oblige the French Inhabitants who trade in Vessels along the Coast, and others who resort to this Bay, to come here and give Bond for the provisions they exported, but could not prevent those of Cape Breton who were in great want of these commodities, to resort to the many uninhabited harbours on our eastern Coast and Bay Verte where by means of a communication by land with the settlements of Manis and Chignecto they drew from those places whole droves of Cattle and other provisions, in which they were assisted with the French Inhabitants and it is strongly presumed were supported by our English Traders, whom the desire of gain prompted to this unlawful, and at this juncture so pernicious a Trade. The several difficulties the Government here labors under, mentioned at large in the representation to your Lordships bearing date 16th Augt. 1740, arising from the situation of this Country, the nature of its Inhabitants and other discouragements are obstacles to the preventing this evil, and the want of legal proof for fixing it on the offenders screens them from the penalties incurred by law. In other respects the French Inhabitants continue hitherto to give assurances of their fidelity, and behave as well as can be expected, considering the bigottry to their religion and other circumstances.

      The want of instructions how to dispose of the increase of the Families of these Inhabitants is of no small perplexity. It being impossible from the reasons already given to hinder them from settling on the unappropriated lands, and as our

Selections NSHS II ~ Brown NSHS III ~ Winslow NSHS IV ~ Winslow

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