Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

Records of the Deportation and Le Grand Dérangement, 1714-1768


here they would soon make an advantage of it, and by the numbers of these French Inhabitants at least ten to one English they would soon distress this Garrison by cutting off the supply of the necessaries of life, keeping it in a continual alarm, if not by taking the Fort itself which indeed is in a very ruinous condition. The Garrison at Canso is still in more danger, as it is not any way defensible and is but two leagues from the Island of Cape Breton where the French are very powerful.

I am &c      



Governor Mascarene to Lords of Trade.



      *   *   * There being also a necessity for some one to be appointed in each settlement to draw writings bearing some mark of authenticity, a person was accordingly appointed, and it so continued under the name of Notary, who is to be accountable for the Kings dues in all sales and alienations of lands passed between the Inhabitants, and is commonly the receiver of the annual rents eschewing to His Majesty as Seigneur or Lord of the Manor. A Messenger also under the name of Constable, is appointed as an assistant, who when any directions or orders are sent from the Governor or Commander in Chief in consequence of minutes of Council to the deputies of the Settlements or to the notary as receiver of the King's dues, is to assist in the execution of them.

      No farther hitherto has been proceeded in regulations for the administration of Civil affairs in this Province, except at Canso, where by the resort of English subjects in the Fishing season, justices of the Peace have been appointed to settle the differences that may arise; but in winter that place is reduced to three or four families, except what belongs to the Troops residing there. It is a matter of no small concern that in the space of these thirty years past, in which this Province has been regained to the possession of the Crown of Great Britain, the British interest has not been established in a better manner by peopling some part of it by British Protestant subjects, which might in time balance the number of the present ones of a different religion; and springing from a rival nation in regard to her neighbouring Plantations, Trade

Selections NSHS II ~ Brown NSHS III ~ Winslow NSHS IV ~ Winslow

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