crew, if any opportunity offered to favor their designs; and they are always inciting the Indians to give us trouble, and those poor ignorant wretches are so guided and led by the French, that they will not scruple to do any base action at their desire; and nothing can secure them to our interest, but annual presents."
Extracts from Minutes of Council, 18th May, 1736.
'l'he Petition in behalf of the inhabitants of Cobaquid was also laid before the Board, which being again read, and what His Honour had also said thereon considered, the prayer was granted.
Whereupon Messrs. De St. Poncy and Cheavereaux, the two Romish Priests, were called in and informed thereof, and told that it was judged necessary before Monsieur De Poncys departure for Cobaquid, that either he or Monsieur Cheavereaux should first go to Pobomcoup, along with Mr. Charles Dentremont and Lieut. Amherst to use endeavours that restitution may be made of the vessels sails and such other effects as the Indians had taken.
They thereunto answered His Honour and the Board in a most insolent, audacious, and disrespectful manner, saying, that absolutely they would not go, and that they would have nothing to do in the affair; and being asked if they would not obey the just and lawful orders of His Majesty's Government, to which Mr. Cheavereaux answered contemptuously with an unbecoming air and unmannerly gesture, saying, "Que je suis ici de la part du Roy de France," and Mr. St. Poncy most affrontingly affirming the same also in words to the same effect.
His Honour therefore told them that he had a mind, seeing they had so said for the contempt of this His Majesty of Great Britain Province and Government, to send them to France.
They replied with a laugh, and a most haughty insolent air "With all their hearts" then turned their backs and went out of the room, seemingly in a very great passion, slaming and throwing the doors in a most rude and insolent manner; and without His Honour's leave they left the Board, where they were desired to attend for an answer to the above said Petition.
Then Mr. Dentremont being called before the Board, and told that the Priests had refused to go, he said he was very sorry for it, for it was his opinion that the most expedient