Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

Records of the Deportation and Le Grand Dérangement, 1714-1768


      This Day Marcht to our former Camp with the New England Troops, Leaving Majr Frye with 150 Men to Fill up the Trenches and Detachd 200 fresh Men to assist him who Compleated that Business and in the Evening returnd to the Camp all well.


FORTE CUMBERLAND, 8 o'Clock JUNE 18TH 1755.      


      you are to be ready to March with 500 Men from your Two Battallions at ten of the Clock this Morning taking with you Provisions for this Day. I am your

Most obedient      

To Colo Winslow.

      Mr. Goddard will Carry you your Instructions.




      I have Exchanged Terms of Cappitulation with the officers of ye Forte at Gaspareau, which are the Same as Granted to Mr. Vergore and his Forte. you will Therefore Sir March with the Party orderd taking with them what Provisions they have, and in Case you Should want More, I will Either Send it you from hence or you May Supply your Self from what you may Finde at Gaspareau, they are to have Carts Supplyed them to Transporte their Baggage. For which purpose I inclose you an Order to the Inhabitants, Likewise Some Proclamation which you will Give to them. you will as Soon after your arival as you Can Send me an acct of the Conditions of the Forte & of the Kings Magazine and wether there are any Stores in it. remaining there til further orders.

I am Sir, your Most obediant Humble Servt.      


To Lieut. Colo Winslow, Commanding
in Camp.

      P.S. I Send Mr. Goddart with you in
Case he Should be wanted and Must
Desier that you would take Perticular Care
that your Men Donte Plunder. }

Selections NSHS II ~ Brown NSHS III ~ Winslow NSHS IV ~ Winslow

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