Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

Records of the Deportation and Le Grand Dérangement, 1714-1768


      That all Regimental Charges as well foreseen, as unforeseen be borne at the Cost of the Crown, and the Deductions to be made out of his Pay therefor.

      That Suitable Officers be appointed such as can Raise the Men.

      That the Companies Consist of one Captain, two Leiutenants, one Enigne, four Serjeants, four Corporals, and 90 Private Men, and Enlisted for one Year, from the time of their Embarkation, or Entrance upon Actual Duty.

      That the Same Pay be allowed the Officers of Every Rank, as is to other his Majesties Forces Serving with them, and that two Months Pay be allowed before their Leaving this Porte, after the Companies are Completed.

      That a Sum of Money be advanced to each particular Officer, to enable them to Raise Men, they giving Bonds with Sureties, for the Applying the Money to that Use.

      That the Officers enlisting the Men have two Dollars pr. Man allowed them for Extraordinary Expences, and for Marching them to their Head Quarters. the said Officers to be at the Risque of all Disertions, and for the Mens not passing Muster, or otherwise have a Reasonable Allowance for extraordinary expenses, and for Marching the Men.

      That the Men be enlisted for one Year, and paid fifteen Pounds old Tenor pr. Man (viz.) Ninety Shillings pr. Man at the time of Enlistment, and Ten. Pound, ten Shillings, at their Mustering at the Place of Rendevous, and that their pay Commence from the time of their Enlistment.

      That each Mess Containing Six Men be allowed a Camp Kettle, a Bowl, and Plater, and the Officers of each Company two, and every man a Spoon.

      That each man be allowed a Blankett, and I apprehend that there will be great Danger of the Men falling Sick, and Rendered unserviceable, if they have not also one bed to two Men That they be allowed each Man, a Knapsack, and Bandiler. That they be accoutered with the Kings Arms, and Accoutrements.

      That they be treated in every Respect as other the Kings Officers Serving with them and dismissed at the end of one year, or Sooner if not wanted.

Selections NSHS II ~ Brown NSHS III ~ Winslow NSHS IV ~ Winslow

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