Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

Records of the Deportation and Le Grand Dérangement, 1714-1768


water and that under the Care of a Non Commission officer who is to See the Party return, vizt. the officer of the Gaurd to Give Liberty to Govr Shirleys Regiment to Such as want & the Serjant of the Regulars to those of that Party. These orders being Publishd at Beating Tattoo this Evening are to take Place at that time. The Companys to be Supplyed with Powder and Ball at Eight of the Clock Tomorrow Morning.



1755, September the 4th. This Morning Sent for Docter Rodion and Delivd him a Citation to the Inhabitants with a Strict Charge to See it Executed which he Promist Should be Faithfully Done.

      A Fine Day and the Inhabitants Very Busy about their Harvest, &c.

      September 5th. This Morning had returns of the Horns of the Several Companys and ordered Such as had them to Deliver up what Cartherages they had to Compleat those who had No Horns which near about Did it & then Ddd out to those who had Hornes Powder at half a Pound Each to the amount of Half a Barrell and Twelve Balls to Each half Pound of Powder. ordered the whole Camp to Lye upon their arms this Day.

      Att Three in the afternoon The French Inhabitants appeard agreeable to their Citation at the Church in Grand Pre amounting To 418 of Their Best Men upon which I ordered a Table to be Sett in the Center of the Church and being attended with those of my officers who were off Gaurd Delivered them by Interpretors the King's orders In the Following woords:


      I have Received from his Excellency Govenor Lawrance. The Kings Commission which I have in my hand and by whose orders you are Convened togather to Manifest to you his Majesty's Final resolution to the French Inhabitants of this his Province of Nova Scotia. who for almost half a Centry have had more Indulgence Granted them, then any of his Subjects in any part of his Dominions. what use you have made of them. you your Self Best Know.

      The Part of Duty I am now upon is what thoh Necessary is Very Disagreable to my natural make & Temper as I Know it Must be Grevious to you who are of the Same Specia.

      But it is not my Buisness to annimedvert, but to obey Such orders as I receive and therefore without Hessitation Shall Deliver you his Majesty's orders and Instructions vizt.

      That your Lands & Tennements, Cattle of all Kinds and Live Stock of all Sortes are Forfitted to the Crown with all other your Effects Saving your money and Household Goods and you your Selves to be removed from this his Province.

Selections NSHS II ~ Brown NSHS III ~ Winslow NSHS IV ~ Winslow

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