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Would my affairs admit would willingly Sleep one Night in the Woods to Spend another with Capt. Cox, but Queston whether I Shall have the Happiness this Season tho am Perswaded we Shall meet before Mountaine. Compliments to Mr. Mercer, Parker, and the Gentlemen of your Party. Am with regards Your Very Humble Servt.
To Capt. Cox.
A Rool of the Indians (of the first Battallion in General Shirleys Provincial Regiment) that are on Command at the Isthmus Block House.
Simon Frost Majr Goldthwaites Company.
Capt. Malcoms. | Capt. Sturtevant. | Capt. Speakman. | | | Simon Cogney | Saml Bumson | | Joab Commetson | Joshua Unkuss | John Conet | John Cowett | Willm George | Nathan Hood | Seth obediah | Pharaoh Gardner | James Mingo | Saml. Tocomana | | | John Thomas |
After having repeatedly ordered that the Troops now Posted at Dartmouth Should be employed in cutting fire Wood for themselves as well as for the rest of his Majestys Troops For which they were to be Paid a Sufficient and reasonable Price and now finding that no Step has been taken towards complying with so Necessary an Order: I am determined immediately to relieve all the Troops there and bring them to Halifax, from whence I will Send Such Troops as will more Puntually obey my Commands in the Performance of their Duty. Unless that They begin to Cut Wood on Thursday Next and that Fifty Men be daily employed on that Service till further Orders. I am Sir, your most Obedient & Most Humble Servt,
Halifax, Jan. 6. 1756.
To Col Winslow.
I wrote you on the 28th of December last with regard to the Sick of our Regiment. Since which other Methods have been taken and you as I apprehend. Directed by his Excellency the Govr to take up Newells Schooner to bring round our Baggage and Part of the Invalids. Which I hope will Ease You of so Many of them that the Remains may be received into the Garrison and Question not but all Possible Care will be taken of them. Am Extremely Sorrey for the loss of our Men in Pass-