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This serves to Inform you that the French which you left under my Care are all removed. The last of them Sailed this afternoon, in Two Schooners Viz. The Race Horse John Banks Masr. with one Hundred and Twenty Persons, Ranger Nathan Monrow Masr. with one Hundred and Twelve Persons. Banks for Boston. Monrow for Virginia. They all appeared without great difficulty according to the Number given by Monsr. Landree and we Embarked them with as much of their Effects as I Could. There is a Considerable Quantity of Provissions left of Pork Beef, Mutton & Bread. We have with us one Mr. Procter an Agent of Mr. Sauls who is to take Care of the Cattle & Provissions left behind by the French. He designs to keep his Store without the Garrison & Feed us with the Small young Cattle and keep Two Hundred of the largest Bullocks till the Spring. But he must find his Mistake for here is not a Sufficiency of Fodder to keep that Number. There is not many Cattle here fit for humane Creatures to Eat. I Wrote you the other Day of the removal of Part of the French and Something of the State of the Party. The greater part of the Sick are recovering tho Some now are extremly Ill. Mr. Tyler is quite out of Medicine tho he informs me he has wrote to Doctr. Whitworth and expects a Supply by the First offertunity. I am Sir your most obedient Humble Servant.
Grand Pre, Decr. 20 1755.
Please to order Lievt Billings & Ensign Barrell with one Serjt one Corpl and all the Indians & Mallatoes that belong to Col: Sherleys Regiment and are now here at Dartmouth, & Fort Sackvile to March to the Blockhouse taking their Bedding with them. I am Sir your most humble Servt,
The Govr. pr this Party has Sent directions in Relation to our Sick. Which he was so good as to inform me are to be removed to your Garrison till they are able to March, and has directed Doctr. Tyler to remain with them till Such time as that there be an oppertunity to remove them by Water. If it Should so happen that our Baggage Cant come round You will be so kind as to let them be Secured in Some Safe Store that the Poor Fellows may not lose their Dods. Mr Tyler is an Officer as well as a Surgeon and believe you will find him a Man woth Notice.