Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

Records of the Deportation and Le Grand Dérangement, 1714-1768


vering up their Arms. I have given him orders to drive them out of the Country at all events, tho if he wants their Assistance in Putting the Troops under Cover (as the Barracks in the French Fort Were demolished) He may first make them do all the Service in their Power. Our Possession of the Isthmus it is to be hoped, will bring over the Mickmack Indians to our Interest. I Cannot Close my Letter to you Sir, without taking Notice how much I am obliged to Lievt Col Moncktons Military Skill, and good Conduct for our good Success at Beausejour: Capt Rous who Commanded the Naval Part of this Expedition, has been of the greatest Service to it and I have Reason to believe our Succeeding So Soon, and with so little loss, is much owing to the Management of Mr. Brewse, who acted as Chief Engineer.

      A True Copy from the Cork Paper.




      My Last was of the 20th of October past wherein I Informed Your Excellency That I had Intelligence from Chignecto that they Inlisted there 200 Men of your Regiment into the Older ones. Since which I find I was misinformed as to the Number. For Col: Preble acquaints me they were about 80 But right as to ye Fact of their Inlisting I pr the first oppertunity Acquainted Govr. Lawrence & Col Monckton that I thot these things were wrong & Grevious and Prayed they might be reduced. Have Inclosed an abstract of my Letter to each of them For your Perusal. I also Informed your Excellency yt we Filled up all the Transportes we had with the French Inhabitants, to the amount of 1510 Persons and left after on our Hands with others coming from Piziquid 650. On the Third of November Detached pr Order Capt Adams & Hobbs, 3 Subs and 90 Non Commission Officers & Privates to Assist Majr Handfield to Collect the Inhabitants of Annapolis Royal. On the 13th having obtained Liberty from Col Lawrence, Set out with an Officer and 54 Non Comission Officers and Private Men, Arrived here on the 19th and the Next Day my Party were Posted at Dartmouth in Good Quarters I waited upon his Excellency Govr. Lawrence and Expostulated with him on the affair of Inlisting our Men into the other Regiments, and came away pleased and Imagined that nothing of that Kind would be pursued here and remained Quiate and unmolested til the 9th of December When Col Preble arrived with a Detached Party of which with the State of the Battalion I herewith Inclosed as near as I can Collect them. Upon that Partys arrival the very Next Day they began to Inlist, Having Serjts & Letters at every Post. I Immediately waited on the Govr. and reminded him that these People were Inlisted by the Consent of the General Court of Massachusetts and that Your Excelleney was Engaged to them to return the Men, and Granting the Method they were Proceeding in Regular, (which

Selections NSHS II ~ Brown NSHS III ~ Winslow NSHS IV ~ Winslow

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