Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

Records of the Deportation and Le Grand Dérangement, 1714-1768


DECEMBER 16TH, 1755.      


      One of my Company named Moses Rowe Saith he when Drunk Inlisted into Col. Lasels Regiment on Saturday last. And Declares He was Not Sensible of his Inlisting at the Time, and is the Man You Mentioned to me this Day and is Now returned with all his Acutrements Ready to Respond and Twenty Shillings more, and is Determind Now to declare off. My Sergt has waited on Yours who only derides. I Thought best to let you Know the Circumstances that advantages maynt be Taken. Am your very Humble Servant.


To Col Monckton.

      P.S. What is right shall be Done.


MENIS, DECEMBER 18TH 1755.      


      I have the Pleasure to acquaint you I have Shipt off the French Inhabitants which you left here, on Board the Sloop Dove, Saml Forbes Master, 114 for Connecticut. And on board the Brigantine Swallow Willm Hayes Master, 236 for Boston. Both which Vessels Sailed the 13 Instant. And have Two Vessels here Preparing to receive. the Remainder. Which I hope I shall get ready to Sail to Morrow. One of the Schooners that came from Chegnecto for that Purpose Run a Shore at Piziquid River which Cannot be got off at Present Capt Newell is Master of her. & is in Hopes to get her off Soon. But we have taken the Race Horse belonging to Mr. Mauger to Supply her Place, as it is uncertain when She will be fit to go to Sea. The Troops here are in better health than they was Some time ago. our Invalids most of them Seem to be on the mending hand. I am favoured with Yours of the 29th Novr. which rested at Piziquid till Yesterday. It came to me Open. I suppose should not have been Honrd with it had not Mr. Crooker accidentally Picked it up who was kind enoh to bring it to me. I should be extreemely glad to know the Govrs Pleasure with regard to the Troops where we are to be this Winter and what we are to do with our Invalids. We are making ourselves as Comfortable as we can against the Cold (we daily expect) by Building Chimnys in the Mass House &c.

      Sir, Your Very humble Servant.


To Col John Winslow.

Selections NSHS II ~ Brown NSHS III ~ Winslow NSHS IV ~ Winslow

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