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Monckton will be with you before the Receipt of this and Doubtless with him the Transports. And am Confident you will make no Delay in Putting a Finishing Stroke to the Removal of our Friends the French. You will See the Kings Stores to Piziquid either in Grays Sloop or Some other, or if that is not Practicable that they be Shipt to their Places with the Baggage and altho the Tents are worn out Yet you are not to think of leaving either them or the Poles. Hope the Annapolis Party and Menis are Joyned and that We Shall see you all Soon. The Governor is of Opinion that it will be best to remove the Sick by Water. You will take Care to Provide Bread &c In Season for your Party that no Delay may happen. The Party that Came with me are all at Dartmouth well Quartered & Beded. Wish the whole Regiment Were as happy. Complements to the Gentlemen, am your very humble Servt.
To the Officer Commanding at Menis.
I received a few lines from you Some time Since and Should have answered it before but I have been very busy. ever Since I arrived here In Embarking the Inhabitants of this River. we have Ernbarked 1664 on board of 2 Ships 3 Snows, & one Brigantine who Sailed from Goat Island and the Baltimore Sloop of War was their Convoy. It is generally Judged about 300 of the Inhabitants of the Head of this River are Gone into the Woods and the Remainder is Sent off to the great Mortification of Some of our Friends. you recommended to me in your Letter dispatch as you was in want of Provissions when you was at Menis. On my arrival here I applied to Major Handfield for Provissions for the Garrison at Piziquid and for your Detachment. But he acquainted me he had not Provision Enoh to Spare any and told me I must tarry here till he heard from ye Govr. Where I am Impatiently waiting as I flatter myself you have Spoke with the Govr. about my Coming Round with your Baggage from Menis as I apprehend it would be of great advantage to me if I could get round to Halifax or to New England as the Times are like to be as I make no doubt but you will have one of the Seven Regiments, that are to be raised at New England and I Case you could be of any Service to me in getting a Company I should Esteem it a great obligation if you would mention it to Govr Sherley as I have been in the Service before. We are informed you Set out from Menis Some time Since and am in hopes you are Safe arrived at Halifax. as to our Fleet which Sailed from Menis we had one of the Severest Storms I ever knew. I keept Company with the Nightingal as far as ye Grand Menan, and then I brought too in hopes not to leave the Bay, but we Sprung a leake which obliged me to Skudd