Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

Records of the Deportation and Le Grand Dérangement, 1714-1768


FORT EDWARD. 9TH NOVR. 1755.      


      I Send you the inclosed Letter which I opened according to your desier. The Colonel thinks 110 Men of addition too many & therefore will only Keep the Thirty that arrives from Halifax. As Mckays Party is wanted at Halifax I March to Morrow Morning at day breake. I hope to have the Pleasure to See you in Town Soon and am Dear Sir your most faithful humble Servant.



ANNAPOLIS ROYAL. NOVR. 10TH. 1755.      


      We arrived Safe here Fryday last after Noon the way being So extreemly bad we were obliged to Lodge two Nights in the Woods. Our Partys all well the Transports are not yet arrived. Capt. Shirley in his Majestys Ship Sailed Saturday Last. Capt. Taggert is in this Port, But Adams is not heard off.* Nor Likewise the Fleet. Capt. Goreham Embarks this Day for Chegnecto in a Schooner Just Arrived from Boston In which I received A Letter for your Honr. which I Sent by Mr. Fitch. These Sir with my Dutiful regards to your Hour. & Complements to the Gentn. And am Sir your most Obedient Servant to Comd


To Col Winslow

      *Novr 11th Went for Halifax.


HALIFAX NOVR. 12TH. 1755.      


      It is the Leivtenant Governors order that you Garrison Forte Sackvile from the Troops under your Command, with one Captain, Two Subaltems. Two Serjts, Two Corpls, Two Drums & Fifty Men. The Commanding Officer has Orders to Deliver the Fort to your Troops. I am Sir Your most Obediant huml Servt.

HEN. DOBSON.      

Aid de Camp      

To Col Winslow.

      P.S. You will proceed to Halifax with the remainder.


GRAND PRE CAMP. NOVR. 13. 1755.      


      Yours of the 8th I Just now Received. and am greived that no Provissions is expected from your Quarter as we have been a back for Three

Selections NSHS II ~ Brown NSHS III ~ Winslow NSHS IV ~ Winslow

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