Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

Records of the Deportation and Le Grand Dérangement, 1714-1768


FORT EDWARD OCTR. 31. 1755.      


      Yours of the 23d & 27 of this Instant I Received this Day pr the Party & am Pleased that I am of off the Annapolis Duty as Nothing is so distressing as the Grievance of the miserable, would I were rid of those at Minis Your Excellency knows the Situation of those affairs as they were Sent by Mr. Mercer. I would only add that We apprehend a Party of 130 Men being Left at Grand Pre would answer every Intent of my being their And that the Party on their return remain at this Fortress & be compleated out of those at Chignecto, Grand Pre or Annapolis which shall first arrive to make the Forces from Govr. Shirleys Regiment Here 110 Men. and I shall take Care agreable to your Excellencys Directions to have the Baggage removed to this Garrison to be Conveyed as ordered to Halifax with those from Chignecto. after Confering with Majr. Murray it is agreed that the out Villages in our different districks be distroyed immediatly, and the Grand Pre when the Inhabitants are removed. Excepting Such the Germans Occupy as we Judge it unsafe to leave a Small Party here. If anything is Disagreable to Your Excellencys way of Judging Let me Know and what is amiss I'll Endeavour to Mend. Am your Excellencys most obedient & Humble Servant


To Govr. Lawrence.


GRAND PRE, NOVEMBER 3rd 1755.      


      you are Directed & Desired to take the Party under your Command And march them to Annapolis Royall, and Put yourself under the Orders of Major Handfield for your Conduct; And if it Should happen that you Should return here before the French Inhabitants are Embarked, to remain at this Camp till Further orders. If otherwise to Proceed with your Party to Halifax. am yours &c.


To Capt. Adams.


GRAND PRE CAMP, NOVR. 3RD 1755.      


      I had the Pleasure to receive Yours of the 7th Instant and on it flattered myself that I Should have had the three Transportes therein Mentioned. Conclude Something Extraordinary for his Majestys Service has Retained them and in that Expectation Shipt off all the lnhahitants of Grand Pre Gaspereau. Ordered Capt. Adams with half the Party Committed to my Command to Remove to a Place called Budros Bank on the Fork between the Rivers Cannard & Habitant to

Selections NSHS II ~ Brown NSHS III ~ Winslow NSHS IV ~ Winslow

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