Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

Records of the Deportation and Le Grand Dérangement, 1714-1768


other Troops arrive at Piziquid from Chignecto on their way hither as the Vessels that Transport these Troops and their Baggage will be Sufficient to take on board yours and bring the whole round here together. I have wrote fully to Capt Murray with relation to my Dispatches to Colo Monckton by Capt Goreham & to Several other Matters for which I refer you to him, as I Suppose you are now together. I am with Esteem Sir your Most Obedient & most humble Servant.

To Collo Winslow &c.

HALIFAX, 27TH OCTOBER 1755.      

      When I wrote to you upon the 23rd of this Instant I intended Sending a Large Detachment with Officers that were to have held a General Court Martial at Annapolis for Mr. Bontiers Trial, but that having been Judged improper at this Juncture by a Council of War held this Day, I am to Countermand my Order of the 23rd in So far as relates to your Marching all the Troops under your Command to this Place, for I must now Desire that you will Send to Major Handfield (as was at first Proposed) A Detachment of Eighty Private Men, Two Captains & Four Subaltern officers to Assist him in Transporting the Inhabitants and any other Services he may find necessary Which when they have finished he will give them orders to March to Piziquid, and you will so dispose of their baggage which cant be Easily Carried on Horses, that it may come round with the baggage of those from Chignecto. The remainder of the Troops under your Command you are to March to Halifax, after Concerting with Capt. Murray the Measures mentioned in my Letter of ye 23rd Inst. Capt. Murray will Send you my Letters to Major Handfield, which please carefully to forward by your Detachment. I am with Esteem Sir, your most Obediant and most humble Servant.  

To Col. Winslow.

GRAND PRE OCTR. 31. 1755.      

      Pursuant to your orders Recd Last night, I have Dispatched Mr. Wheeler with a Party of Thirty Men, this Morning as Early as Possible. All well in Camp but very Chilly. am your Obedient Servant  

To Col. Winslow

Selections NSHS II ~ Brown NSHS III ~ Winslow NSHS IV ~ Winslow

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