Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

Records of the Deportation and Le Grand Dérangement, 1714-1768


without which & Taking up a Sloop at Villoge it would have been impossible for his People to have Put to Sea. I Impatiently wait your Excellencys further orders. And as I apprehend it will be impossible for us to remain much Longer in Camp. Would Hint we Might be Thought on on account of our Bagage &c. I have one peice of Intelligence from Chignecto Which a good deal Surprizes me and that is that the Men of Govr Shirleys Regiment all of whom were immediately Inlisted under my Command, are Inlisting into the older Regiments Which I Cant but think is flying into the Face of the Articles of War. But let me be in that Never So Much out of my Judgment. Shure I am that it will be an Impolitical Step, as these Men are Sons of some of the best yeomen in New England, who Incouraged them to Undertake this Expedition and the Loan of the Men were what was in view of that Goverment Tho. in the Pay of this Province, And on like occasions the Men have ever been returned at the End of the Time Limmitted and was expected by Govr and People would have now been the Case. and if Disapointed & their Children kept, there will be an End Put to any future assistance, Let the extremety here be what it will from New England and the Harmony Subsisting between the Goverments. Then which Nothing worse is to be Feared. Pardon Sir this Freedom which the good of his Majestys American Dominions & I might Say his Europian have Drawn from me. The Young Men that Deserted me Twenty Two of the Twenty Four are Returned and on Board. One Kiled by our Party & I apprehend the other as the French Can render no account of him. The Vessels I here by the Party Just arrived are under Sail & I herewith Send an account of the Disposition of my Command. Am with Great Esteem your Excellencys Most obedient & Most Humble Servant.


To Govr Lawrence &c.


HALIFAX, 23 OCTOBER 1755      


      I flatter myself by the time you receive this that all the French Inhabitants of your district are embarked & Sailed, in which Case, I would have you instead of Sending a Strong Detachment to Annapolis as you were formerly directed to do, to march your whole Detachment to Piziquid where you will leave with Capt. Murray such a Number of Men as he and you shall Conclude to be Necessary for the Defence of the Garrison. & for Sending out Parties to Scour the Country & Prevent the Enemy from Carrying off the Cattle or Provissions that may be found in the Villages You will leave also at Piziquid what Provissions you have remaining on hand unexpended taking his receit therefore, You may also leave at the Fort what part of the Baggage of the Troops you cannot Convey overland by Horses, Untill an oppertunity offers for bringing it Round by Water which will be when the

Selections NSHS II ~ Brown NSHS III ~ Winslow NSHS IV ~ Winslow

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