Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

Records of the Deportation and Le Grand Dérangement, 1714-1768



      I have Sent the Whale Boat to wait on you, and am hopefull we Shall have the Pleasure to see you at Noon. I hope you have Settled all Matters with Donald, and he is in a fair way, I am with Complements to Mr. Whitworth Dr. Sir yours &c.  

FORT EDWARD, OCTOBR 27. 1755.      
      In mine of the 11th Instant I acquaintd your Excellency that I was in hopes That by that Day Weak all our French People would be on Board the Transports and without descending into former Matters Would render accounts of our Transactions Since. after ye Arrival of the Seven Sail from Annapolis Three of them after Victualed I Sent Forward to Capt Murray at Fort Edward. The others remained at Minis and after two Days To fill water & take on Board Wood, We began to Embark the Inhabitants & Shipt the whole of Grand Pre & River Gaspereau and to Expediate this affair. Sent Capt Adams with half of my party to Encamp between the River Canard & Habitant at a Place Calld Budrot Pointe Where the whole Inhabitants of those Rivers and all Larure Habitants & Peron Were ordered to be & in Compliance of those Orders actually come with their whole Familys & Effects and having given orders to the Transportes that had the Inhabitants of Grand Pre &c on Board on the 18th. On the 19th Went to Budrot Pointe To Dispatch those collected there and Depended to have Transports from Chegnecto to our assistance as Colo Monckton in his of the 7th Informed me he Should Send Three, but to my Surprize not one Arived. Upon which with the advice of my Officers Present, It was concluded to Ship as many of the Inhabitants as Could be Sent by the Vessels we had and Forward them to the Places to which your Excellency assigned them. Which on the 21st was Compleated & the Transports fell down under the Convey of Capt Adams to the Nightengal Capt Diggs. And altho I put in more then Two to a Tun & and the People greatly Crowded yet remains Upon my Hands for want of Transportes the whole Vilages of Antoine & Landry & Some of Cannard Amounting to 98 Familys & upwards of Six Hundred Souls, All of which I removed from Budro Pointe to Grand Pre, Where I have at Present Set them down in Houses Nearest the Camp and Permit them to be with their Familys upon their word of being at any Call ready to Imbark and answering to their names upon the Roll Calld at Sun Set in the Camp. (I Could heartily wish we had Vessels and an End Put to these affairs) as to the Supernumary's Sent off Capt Murray & I Thought it would be for the Good of the Service & Therefore Engaged with the Masters to Pay them for Such as they Carry'd over their Quota after the Same Rate the Owners were Paid. Viz Two to a Tun and  

Selections NSHS II ~ Brown NSHS III ~ Winslow NSHS IV ~ Winslow

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