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Inclosed Sir you have Two Letters that came by Dogget from Boston; With the most agreable News of Genl Johnstons Victory, of which I most Sincerely wish you much joy. This Stroke has given the Ballance much of our Side, and the Strong Reinforcement sent him I think Promises much more. The Men in Genl here are very well. Considering the bad Weather we have had. At Gaspereau they have lost Several & Many ill, Since that Violent Storm. They attribute it to the Storm & the Badness of the Water But by the accts I have I am afraid owing to Capt. Cobb. Who I am informed has been Dealing in Rum, Which he got from the French Houses Besides many other things Some of which I hear he has Sent off, others he was disappointed in Sending. I Should not mention this to you Sir was not my information good. For the above Reason I intend releiving him as Soon as I conveniently can. Having nothing more to add at Present I remain Sir your obedient & humble Servt.
Since the foregoing Capt. Murray has come from Pizquid with upwards of 1000 People in Four Vessels — Taken up Coll Dunniels Sloop. Who I have Supplied with 8½ Tun of Water Cask some of which I bought & Some my own and hope you wont forget to charge the Goverment the same, as if bought in Boston in that Sloops account, and Credit my account with the Money he has. I am now able to give you an account of our Embarkation having filled what Transports I have & are as follows
Vessels Names. | Masters. | Numbers. | Where Bound. | Hannah | Adams | 140 | Pensilvania | Swan | Hazlum | 168 | Pensilvania | Sally & Molly | Purrington | 154 | Virginia. Total 364 | Mary | Dunning | 182 | Virginia | Prosperous | Bradgton | 152 | Virginia | Encheere | Stone | 166 | Virginia | Industry | Goodwin | 177 | Total 831 | Leopard | Church | 178 | Maryland | | Milbury | 186 | Maryland | | | | Total 364 | | | | 1498 |
1598 and have 500 left for want of Transports Capt Murray has Shipt from Pizquid his whole and are Upwards of 1000. Wish you every Happiness, &c.
To Messrs. Apthorp & Hancock.