Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

Records of the Deportation and Le Grand Dérangement, 1714-1768



      I the Last Week Reced a Letter from the Honble Mr. Hutchinson with a Leiuts Commission for Mr. Bridge & am Ensigns for Doctr Tyler which I Shall Forward pr first oppertunity to Chignecto — Congratulate you Excellency on the Success of his Majestys Forces Committed by your Excellency to General Johnsons Command, hope there beginning will End in Reducing the French to their Proper Limits this year & driving them from America the Next. Capt. Adams of the Schooner Warren Arrived here from Chegnecto the 10th Instant, And acquaints me that our Troops there are very Uneasy and that all Means are Used for the Inlisting the Men from your Excellencys Regiment into the old Regiments Posted here & that there was absolutely more than 200 Men Inlisted. I was greatly Surprized at this Peice of Inteligence. As Such a thing is directly in the Face of the Articles of War, and as I before have your Excellencys Desire to List a party for your other Regiment. Yet could not think it Possable to Engage Men Even under the same Colo til we were reduced from this Province Pay. Which when it happens Shall Use my best Endeavors to Serve your Excellency. If not Prevented by this Ungenerous Undue Proceedg. and then which in my Opinion nothing can be worse for the Service. For thoh the whole Province of the Massachusetts Bay was willing to Lend the Men for the assistance of Nova Scotia I for that Reason Incouraged their Sons to Enter, yet everyone Relyed on it that the the Men at the End of the Term were to be returned, and am Confident, that if these things are not put an End to it will turn out greatly to the Prejudice of this Province. as it will be impossible on any future occasion to Draw Men from N England to their Assistance be their Distresses what they will. I Received a Letter at the Same Time from Colo Monckton but he makes no Mention of those things. I have not a Letter from anyone of our officers there which makes me Suspect that Inteligence by Writting is at Present lade aside. Weare Shiping of the Inhabitants and Should have been Free of them a long time ago but that we have wanted for Transportes. have Quite Swept Grand Pre & River Gaspereau The Rivers Canard & Habitant began to Embarke yesterday but we have only Transports for about 1500 People. Have I apprehend full 500 More in these my Districks and in fact it Seems Probable that it will fall to my Lot with only 360 Men, officers Included to Embark the One half of the People Without the assistance of any Fortifycation. Nor Nothing to defend me but my Musquetry & a Picketting of my own Erecting Round my Camp in which Many times I had two French Men Prisoners to a Soldier. There is One other Article Viz the Arms which I find is Proposed to be Stopt Here Should be Glad that Matter may be Settled. Suppose I shall see Halifax in a Short Time & that the future. Operation of your Excel-  

Selections NSHS II ~ Brown NSHS III ~ Winslow NSHS IV ~ Winslow

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