Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

Records of the Deportation and Le Grand Dérangement, 1714-1768


lencys Regiment will be Settled & We know whether we remain here this Coming Winter or return home; Should be glad to Serve one Campaign Under your Excellency, but it is likely if we are Soon Reduced I Shall See England first. Tho not fully Settled in that Point, The People with me are in good Health and Spirits.

      Am with regards your Excellencys most Dutiful most Obedient & most Humble Servt.


To His Excellency Willm Sherley Esqr. Capt. General & Commander in Chief of his Majestys Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England & Major Genl. of his Majesty Forces &c &c Or In his Absence To the Honble Eliakim Hutchison Esqr. At Boson.

      P.S. I have Stopt Colo Duniels Sloop 4 Days waiting a Return of an Express I Sent to Halifax, which is to his Detriment.




      I have the Pleasure of yours of the 19 of Septr. Am obliged for the Commissions therein Sent. Am not greatly Surprised at Colo Moncktons Mistake as he has done with Council Ever Since Bowsejure was taken. Am greatly obliged to you for the Particulars of Colo Johnsons Engagement & heartily Rejoyce with you on the Occasion & of the Glorious Spirits Prevailing in our Land. Should been Glad to have had a Share in those actions. But Duty kept me here. Imagine his Excellency Genl. Sherley is not yet returned to Boston, have therefore directed his Letter in his Absence to your Honr. and refer you to that for our Circumstances that you may be able to Judge how necessary it is he Should know its Contents and forward an answer. Am Just now Setting out for River Canard & my best Regards wait your Good Family & be assured that I am your most obediant & Most Humble Servant.


To Judge Hutchinson &c.


CAMP GRAND PRE 19 OCTOR 1755.      


      I am favored with Several Letters from you by the Several Vessels sent to Menis, at which Place I Command. as have also drawn of all the Transportes Sent to Annapolis for carrying of the French Here, Rivers Cannard, Habitant & Gaspereau. Grand Pre are all Shipt in Church, Jones, now hazlum as Jones is Sick, Milburry, Adams & Purrington, who have got their full Complements & Orders. Capt. Adams of our Regiment is at Cannard filling up Goodwin Stone &

Selections NSHS II ~ Brown NSHS III ~ Winslow NSHS IV ~ Winslow

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