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To Capt. Thomas Church Commander of the Schooner Leopard.
SIR. you having Reced on Board your Schooner One Hundred & Seventy four Men women and Children, being part of the French Inhabitants of the Province of Nova Scotia, you are to Proceed with them when wind and weather Permits To his Majestys Goverment of Mary Land, and upon your Arival there you are To waite on the Honble Horatio Sharp Esqr. Lievt Governor & Commander in Chief of that His Majesty's Collony or Other Commander in Chief for the time being & Deliver to him the Packett herewith Sent. and make all Possible Dispatch in Debarking your Passengers, and Obtaining Certificates according to the Forms Inclosd to sd Govrs and you are to take Care that no arms or offensive weapons are on Board with your Passengers, and to be as Carefull & Watchfull as Possible Dureing the whole Corse of your voyage to Prevent the Passengers from Making an attempt, to Seize your Vessel by allowing only a Small number to be on the Deck at a Time. and using all other Necessary Precautions to Prevent the Bad Consequences of Such an attempt and you are also to See that the Provissions be regularly Issued to the People agreable to Mr. Sauls Instructions which he will Deliver you. and for your Greater Security you are to waite on Dudley Diggs Esqr. Commander of his Majestys Ship Nightengill & Desier the Benefit of His Convoye. wish you a Succesful voyage.
Given under my hand at the Camp at Grand Pre, Nova Scotia this 13th Day of October Anno Domini 1755.
Commanding his Majtys Forces at Mines & Places adjatient.
A Coppy of my Orders
Same orders Given to Adams, Milburry, Purrington, Duning, Haslam, Bragdon, Stone & Goodwin.
Originals on File.
FORTE EDWARD, Sunday Noon.
I did my Self the Pleasure to write to you by Mr. Saul, whome I Dispatched to you by watter, in Case he Should be wanted for victualling ye Transportes. I Must again Intreat you to Give me your advice, how I Shall behave in relation to Davis who Can not Proceed to Sea, having Lost his anchor. I wrote to Taggart to See if he Could Spare him one of about 600 or 700, he has no water on