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are to Transporte, and afterwards to Proceed to his Majestys Forte Edward, and apply to Capt. Murray Commanding officer there for Further Orders.
Commanding his Majtys Forces at Mines.
To Capt. James Carlile Commandr of the Sloop Three Frinds.
I Reced your Excellencys Favor of the First Instant with your Expresses to Majr Handfield, which I Immediatly forwarded by a party & yesterday In the afternoon the Seven Transportes arived from Annapolis, who I have this Day ordered on Board Taggert to take in their Provissions and hope to have them ready to receive the People the Day after the Morrow, have Compleated Two Vessels with their Complements, and as Capt. Adams was absent and Taggert Loaden with Provissions, was Obliged to Keep the Other Three for our men, hope the Coming week will put an End to our Duty here of removing the Inhabitants and Shall be ready to Obey any Farther Commands your Excellency Shall See Cause to Intrust me with. I had a Pressing Letter the 9th Instant from Capt Murray for Some Cattle for the use of the Navy, but was at a Time when I had Six partys out Collecting the Inhabitants, to Each of whome I Gave it in Charge to Examine the Cattle and Notis those Fit for Beaf, who all reporte there is no Bullocks to be Found fit for Slaughter, Shall Send a Party this Day for that Purpose thoh Doubt their Success, as I am Certain the Inhabitants have Drove the Cattle Back into the Countrey; and as Soon as we are rid of the People Make no Question but their Beasts may be Found.
We had the Misfortune to Loose ahout Twenty men (most of them younge) out of Two of our Vessels, all of which are in the mouth of the River Gaspereau, they Not being able to ride in the Bay. having had Great Havock among their Cables & Anchors. I had then a Gaurd of Eight men in Each Vessel besides their own Crew, who Could Give no account how it hapened, but Immagin they Got of in womens Close.
Their Frinds I have Severely Threatened and they Say if I will Forgive them they Shall return this night which request I have Complyd with, and hope for once to have them perform their word.