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Honr for it, and Now repeated it to him & Should Go no Further, be the Consequence what it would. Orders of the Day. Parole Lunenburgh.
with grate Impatience I waited for these Sloops from Annapolis but there is No Sign of appearance, I Should be Glad to Know when you really Exspect them, we had a Fair wind yesterday & the Day before, what Detains them I Cant Immagin, if you Could Possibly Let me have the Shallop, I Shall Take it as a Perticular Favor the Longer I Stay the More water I use & Consequently we Shall be the Longer a Compleating our water againe, if you have had any News Lately I Should be Glad to hear it, if you Could Send me Some East for Bread which you was So Kinde as to Promise the other Day & you will Greatly your Most obedient Humble Servant.
I Must beg you in a day or two to Performe your Promise Concerning a Little Fresh Meat, for my People, Two Bullocks will be of great Service to them having a Great Many Down with Colds, if you will Let me Know when I Shall Send my Boate for them you May be sure it Shall be there at the Time.
On His Majestys Service To Colo Winslow Commanding His Majtys Forces at Mines.
Your Favor of This Day is Just Now Come to hand, and as I now Discover the Sloops in the offing, am Satisfyed in that Pointe. as to the Shallop Shall Send her Down on the Next Ebb. and Desier She may be Dispatched as Soon as Possible, as you must be Sensable that the Vessels Boats that have their Complements Shipt are Insufficiant to Keep up their water and Provissions. Could your Boat have Tarryed would Sent you off the Beaf wrote for Now, & Send when you will on the First of the Flood will Send on the Ebb. News we have none, you May Depend on Dispatch in Every Branch of My Duty. am Sir your Very Humble Servant
On His Majestys Service To Dudley Digges Esqr. Commandg his Majtys Ship Nightengill.