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on Board Each Vessel besides their Crews, and how it hapened they Could None of them account. Orders of the Day. Parrole Hamstead.
October 8th. began to Embarke the Inhabitants who went of Very Solentarily and unwillingly, the women in Great Distress Carrying off Their Children In their arms. Others Carrying their Decript Parents in their Carts and all their Goods Moving in Great Confussion & appeard a Sceen of woe & Distres. Fild up Church & Milburry, with about Eighty Familys, and also made the Strickest Enquiery I Could how those young men made their Escape yesterday, and by Every Circumstance Found one Francis Hebert was Either the Contriver or abetter who was on Board Church & this Day his Effects Shipt, who I ordered a Shore, Carryd to his own house & Then in his Presence Burnt both his house and Barne, and Gave Notice to all the French that in Case these men Did not Surrender them Selves in Two Days, I Should Serve all their Frinds in the Same Maner & not only So would Confisticate their Household Goods and when Ever those men Should Fall Into the English hands they would not be admitted to Quarter, as the whole French Inhabitants in these Districts became obligated to me, that if their Several Frinds might be admitted to Carry them Provissons on Board & to Visit them they would be responsable for Each Other. Orders of the Day. Paroll Landree.
The Party from Cobequid arived all Safe Here Last night with the Loss only of the Great whale Boat & the other a Good Deal Shattered. I have therefor ordered Ensign Gay to Joyne you this Day with his party the Rangers will march for Halifax tomorrow. I am with Great Esteem Dear Sir your Most obediant Humble Servt
On His Majestys Service to Colo Winslow Commandg his Majtys Troops at Grand Pre.
Octobr 9. Removed the Several men that were Embarked in the Three Different Vessels So as to Commode Each Nighbourhood for their Familys to Joyne them when the other Transportes arived. Father Landre Proposed to accomade Matters for the return of the young men Deserted, that in Case I would Give under my hand that they Should not be Punishd upon their return, he Immagined they might be Induced to Come in. I Told him I had already passd my word of