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yesterday I reced Pressing Letters from Hallifax Desierg Me to make up a Vast Cargo of Cattle for the use of the Navy before it Goes, which will be in a few Days. I have this day Contributed my Might and Sent away Forty Five. I Must now beg your assistance, and if you will now Send Down a Good Parcel from your Districts, and Make your Boys Drive them this Length, I will take them off your hands & Shall over and above Desier Deschamps to Satisfy them for their Trouble which he will readily Do, I Know Mr. Mauger will Chearfully Satisfy the Lads and I hope our Trouble of that Kinde will Soon be over, as Soon as your Men arive from Annapolis be as Good as to Send me your Commands, and I Shall Send a Party Immediately to The Metropolis. I am Directed to Send one the End of this week, I have Sent the bearer to Look for Mr. Hinshelwoods Horse. the Two Grangers whome I Sent you Last Sunday with a Pass promisd me to procure him to be Catched for me. if they have Got him please to Send him. I Long Much to See you if I Knew how, am with the greatest Esteem Dr. Sir yr Most obedt. Humble Servt.
I have to add to the foregoing Mr. Maugers Complements to you and althoh he has Not the Pleasure to be Known to you Entreats the Favor of you to assist him with your Good offices in respect of the Cattle wanted for the Kings Ships, the Greatest want they are in at Present to restore the Health of the People, Makes him ye More Urgent to Collect as Many as Possible, if you Please to Suffer as Many of the men as is Convenient to Drive them here I will with Many Thanks to you & them Satisfy their Trouble, Mr. Deschamps Joynes with me in our best respects to you and the Doctr & I beg Leave to remain with Great Esteem on all Occations your Most Obedient Servt.
(Should be A. Murray.)
On His Majestys Service To John Winslow Esqr. Commanding his Majtys Troops at Mines.
Octobr 7th. This Day raind Considerably that We Did Not begin to Embarke the Inhabitants as was Proposd yesterday, and in the Evening Twenty Four of the French young men Deserted from on Board Capts. Church and Stone. althoh we had at that time Eight men as a Guard