Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

Records of the Deportation and Le Grand Dérangement, 1714-1768


Core from Cobequid are arived and I Supprised, that they had Severed, which when I understood, Gave Peremtory orders to Davis to Sail Immediatly for the releif of the absent Party under the Command of Capt Lewis, who it Seams have Lost all their Shallops and Cannoos, have therefore Ventd our whale Boate with the Schooner. Capt. Taggert has repaird the old one which with the Vessels Boate & one Other taken up here will be able to bring oft or remove Capt. Lewis (for whome I am in paine) I Can Finde No Other way to Convey the Govrs Packett but by Capt Adams, as I have Not one Inch Floating here. Should be heartily Delighted to See you on Fassetts return or Sooner that Some things Might Come to a Final Close.
      Am Dear Sir with the Greatest regards your Most obediant Humble Servt.  

To Alexander Murray Esqr. Commanding his Majtys Troops at Forte Edward.
      Whereas it is Found That Two of Three officers are out of the Camp without any Tower of Duty, the adjutant is Desiered to Inform them that in Case this is not altered and the Camp better attend Care must be Taken to put them in Such a Condition that the Service may not be Injured — The Orders of the Day. Parrol Sackvile.  

CAMP AT GRAND PRE, OCTR 2ND, 1755.      

      This accompanys a Packett from Govr Lawrance by Capt Adams whome I Should Not have Sent but that our Boats are all on Cobequid Expedition of which I wish we were well of, as it was at First undertaken but with Few hands and half of them are Come back. I wish Mr. Winslow Might be Dirrected to Make up the Rum & Molasses account of what is Due to the Party with me, that what is the mens Due May be Issued as I Finde it is intended to be Done before we Leave this, we Suffer Exstreemly here on account of our Tents both as to wet & Could. hope you will use your Endeavors to releif us, which I Cant See how it Can be accomplyshed but by having Transportes & as it is So Late, begin to Despare of haeving them Come from your Quarter and what will become of us God Knows. am with respects your Most Obediant Humble Servant  

On His Majestys Service To Colo Monckton Commandr in Cheif of his Majtys Forces at Chignecto.

Selections NSHS II ~ Brown NSHS III ~ Winslow NSHS IV ~ Winslow

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