Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

Records of the Deportation and Le Grand Dérangement, 1714-1768




      Mr. Fassett arived Last night; The Governor writes me has ordered all the Transportes from Annapolis and is to order Vessels from Halifax to replace Those that Come from thence, he begs you will forward the Letter for Major Handfield with all Possible Dispatch, the admiral he Says is to write to Diggs Not to be Impatient. and if the weather will permit, I Design my Self the Pleasure to waite on you to Day and am Dear Sir your Most obediant Humble Servt.

      I hope we Shall Get rid of our guests

A. MURRAY.      

On His Majestys Service To John Winslow Esqr Commanding his Majestys Troops at Grand Pre.


GRAND PRE, OCTOBR 3RD 1755.      


      having Forwarded to me From Capt Murray an Exspress for Colo Monckton whch I am Desiered to forward with Expedition, and as it is for his Majestys Service Desier you will with all Dispatch Proceed to Chignecto. and Deliver those Packetts & Need Not recomend your Speedy return as you are Sensable of the Necessity we are under of your assistance. your Humble Servant


To Capt Abraham Adams of his Majestys Schooner Warren.


      Grand Pre Camp. October 3rd. Orders of the Day. Parrol Littleton.



HALIFAX, 1ST OCTOBER, 1755.      


      I am Just now Favored with your Letter of the 29th of September and as we will Fall Shorte of Transportes for Taking of the People of Mines and Piziquid. I have Sent herewith Orders to Major Handfield to Dispatch to you and Capt. Murray all the Transportes he has at Annapolis to take of your People at once, and am to Send him Transportes from Hence in a Few Days to replace those we take from him, & therefore you will Please to Hurry away the Majors Letter with all Speed to Prevent his Shiping any of the People there and that you may have the Vessels, as Soon as Possible.

      Colo Monckton in his Letter to me of the 23rd of September thoh he is Silent on that head to you, Says he will Send the remaining:

Selections NSHS II ~ Brown NSHS III ~ Winslow NSHS IV ~ Winslow

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