Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

Records of the Deportation and Le Grand Dérangement, 1714-1768




      I would have waited on you to Day with the Letters I now Send but thought it best to Stay til the Arival of your Partie. Mr. Parker Arived this Morning. I Send you my Letter to Peruse which I beg you will Send me Back again by the bearer you will See the Govr Presses us to Send the Dispatches with all Possable Dilligence to Monckton, you are a Much Better Judge of Sea Matters then I Can possibly be, but as the Season is Now so far advanced as to Make the weather uncertain for Boats I Think the Warren Might be Spared for that Duty as Taggert is there to Gaurd the Transportes, So Soon as Mr. Fassett returns, I Shall Come Down with him or by Water. please to Let me Know what you resolve on as to the Warren and belive me Dear Most Truly yours.

A. MURRAY.      

On his Majtys Service To John Winslow Esqr Commandg his Majtys Troops at Grand Pre.


HALIFAX, 30 SEPTEMBER, 1755.      


      I Take the oppertunity of a Party that Go to Pizequid with my Letters to Colo Monckton to Lett you Know that the admiral has Desiered that the Inhabitants which are by your Instructions Destined for North Carolina May Not be Sent there but to Piladelpia under Convoye of Capt Diggs wherefore you will take Care to act according as I have Sent Instructions to Colo Monckton to Send as Many of the Chignecto Inhabitants to North Carolina under Capt. Probys Command as were Originally intended to be Sent from Mines Basin, you will please to take Care that Mr. George Saul Do Not Exceed his Instructions with regard to the Victualling, and I hope I need Not to recomend it to you to Lose no time in Getting the People of your hands as Fast as Possible, as the Detention of them is a very Heavy Exspence as well as a Great Hinderance to the Public Service — I am Sir your Most obediant Humble Servant.


On His Majestys Service To Lievt Colo Winslow Commanding his Majestys Troops at Mines.


GRAND PRE, OCTOBR 2ND 1755      


      I am Favored with yours of this Day Inclosing the Govrs to you and have received from his Excellency one near the Same Importe. Propose to Go on Board the Vessel to Hasten the Dispatches, the Party of our

Selections NSHS II ~ Brown NSHS III ~ Winslow NSHS IV ~ Winslow

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