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7. It is recomendecl to you to use all Possible attention & Dispatch in ye Execution of' this Duty and if any Difficulty Should occur you will Follow the Directions you will have from the respective Commanding officers where Such Occurances hapen whome you are to Consult with upon all Occations of that Kinde.
As there is No allowance Made by the Foregoing Instructions for Provissions to the Inhabitants from the time of their being Shipt until they Sail you are to Give them an allowance of Five Pounds of French Flower and one Pound of Porke, that may be Thought Not Sufficient to be Issued to the Troops pr Man pr Week til they Sail whereby the Provissions Shipt to Carry them to the Place of their Distonation will remain Entire and for this Purpose you will Ship a Qnantity of that Porke to Carry with you to Mines and Annapolis.
I am Favored with yours of the 19th Instant by Lievt Crooker who did not Get here til yesterday he returns by Taggert & Mr. Sual to Victual the Transportes. Lievt Crooker tels me that he Saw the Sloop Ulysses Capt Roger Standing in your way, and that he had Provissions, Otherwise I Should have sent you Some by Taggert.
I Can well Judge Sir of the Trouble and anxiety you must have with So many Prisoners from what we Experience here, and wish you well rid of them. I am Exstreamly Sorry Sir that Mr. Bowin Should be accusd of So unmannerly behaviour. I Spoke to him about it my Self and he assured me upon his Honour that what he was accused of was wrongfull as he had Too Much obligation to you be Guilty of uttering Such an Exspression, the words he Told me he repeated upon Capt Malcolns Saying that it was Colo Winslows & Major Prebles Orders that the men Should Not March to Fast Was, that Capt Lewis who Commanded the party was best Judge of Marching them and that it Did Not Concern Either Colo Winslow or Major Preble, and this he says was Causd by Several aggravating Speaches of Capt Malcolns, who by all accounts behaved Very Ill the whole March. and in my Humble Opinion Sir from what I Can Learn of it from the General Good Carracter Mr. Bowin has always had Among us I Cant help thinking that there is rather More Mallis in this accusation than reallity.
I have Now Sir Told you So Far as I am acquainted with ye affair and it now remains with you what Further you would have Done in it, for I Can assure you Sir that I Should be Far from Countenancg of