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Nine Hhds of Horse Beans and Two Hhds of French Beans, and you will also receive on Board these Two Vessels the Bread and Beaf sent from Halifax in Two of the Transportes a Perticular account whereof will be Furnished you by the Commissary. In doing this you will be as Expeditious as Possible, that you may be in readiness to begin Victualling whenever the Transportes are ready.
2d. after you have put the Provissions into the Vessels before mentioned you are to Make up thereof & Issue them to the Several French Inhabitants that shall be put on Board the Transporte Vessels in the Following Maner that is to Say for one Person for Seven Days you are to Deliver
Five Pounds of French Flower
Two Pounds of Bread &c
One Pound of Beaf
This allowance Differs from that Mentioned by me in My Letter to Colo Monckton of the 31st of July Last but it is Equally Sufficient and Less Exspence to the Goverment.
3rd you are to Victual Every Person for Thirty Days bound to the Southward of Piladelphia and those that Shall be Debarked at Pihdelphia or to ye Northward thereof Shall be Victualed Each Person for Twenty Days at the before mentioned allowance.
4. you are to Distribute the 29 Hhds of Horse Beans and Two Hhds of French Beans among the Several Transportes for the use of ye French People over & beside the allowance of Bread Flower & Beaf as Mentioned on the other side.
5. you are to take from Each Master of Every Transporte Two Receipts for the Quantity of Provissions you Shall Ship on Board them. Specifyg therein the respective Species Delivered to them for what time and for how many Persons and you are to Transmite receipts to me by the First Conveyance.
6. When you have Finished the Business of Victualling the Transportes at Chignecte, you are to waite upon Colo Monckton for his orders to the Two Provision Vessels Capt Taggert & Capt Rogers to Proceed with you to the Bason of Mines where being arived you are to waite upon the officer Commanding at Piziquid and also the officer who Shall be Commanding at Mines and Deliver Each of them a Coppy of your Instructions for Victualling the Transportes in Mines Bason who have been Victualed by you in the Same Maner & order as you Shall have Done before by those at Chignecto, which being Done, and reporte Made thereof as before, you will receive orders from the Commanding officers, For the Provission Vessels to proceed with you to Annapolis Royal, and being arived there you are to waite upon Majr Handfield and Show him your Instructions and Furnish him with a Coppy thereof as before, and thereafter to Proceed to the Victualling of the Inhabitants on Board the Transportes at that Place in the Maner before Directed.