Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

Records of the Deportation and Le Grand Dérangement, 1714-1768


been Great Distruction among them by Sickness I have Nothing worthy your Perusal Further to add but only that I Shall be Glad if you will Honr me with an account of your well faire by all Conveniant oppertunity which non Can have More at Heart than Dr Sir your Most Obediant Humble Servant.

JOHN ROUS.      

      I Should be Glad when you have Perused General Johnsons Letter you will Transmit it to Major Bourn.

On His Majtys Service to Colo Winslow Commanding his Majtys Forces at Mines &c.


      1755. September 28th. on the 26th arived the Sloop Ulysses Capt Rogers and Landed his Provissions agreable to the Following receipt vizt. Halifax September 13th 1755, Reced on Board the Sloop Ulysses by order of His Excellency the Governour the Following Provissions. being four weeks for Colo Winslows Detachment at Mines, 400 men which are to be Delivered there the Danger of the sea Excepted vizt.

      80 Barrels Bread. 22 Teirces of Porke,

      8 Hhds Pease, one Teirce of Rice, 9 Firkins of Butter,

      have Signed another receipt for the Same.


      Also arived the Snow Halifax, Capt Tagert in which Come Mr. George Saul, agent Victualar with Provissions for the removal of ye French Inhabitants, who Delivered me his Instructions which are as. follows, vizt.

HALLIFAX, 11TH AUGUST, 1755.      

      Instructions for Mr. George Saul, agent Victualar for the Transporte Vessels Ordered from Halifax & Boston to Carry of the French Inhabitants.

      1st Sir, you are to Ernbarke on Board the Snow Halifax, John Taggert & Proceed with him to Annapolis where having Executed the orders you have Seperatly reced with regard to the Money for the Troops, he has my Directions to Proceed with you and the Stores and Money on Board for Chignecto, where being Arived you are to waite upon the Honble Colonel Monckten & Show him these your Instructions and with wich you are to Furnish him a True Coppy, and then you are to take upon you the Charge of Victualling the Transportes agreable to the following Directions.

      As Soon as Capt Taggert is unloaded the Stores and Provissions for Chignecto Garrison you are to make applicatin to Cool Monckton, who will Give Orders for Shiping on Board the Snow Halifax, Capt Taggert & the Sloop Ulysses Capt Rogers all the French Flower he has in Store which was Taken in the Forte of Beausejour and also Twenty

Selections NSHS II ~ Brown NSHS III ~ Winslow NSHS IV ~ Winslow

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