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polis Royal to the Forte there Where you are to waite on Maj Handfield and Deliver him the Prisoners and take his orders for your Future Service.
I am by his Excellency Gov Lawrence Ordered to Direct you to Scouer the Villages on the River as you go down and Carry into Annapolis all the men you Can Finde and to order the women to Follow with their Children Carrying with them what Provissions they can for the mens Subsistance til they are all ready for Sailing. you are to Supply your Self, Party and Prisoners with Provisions or Meat Kinde at the Last Vilage. Taking an account from whome you Receive it. Wish you a Prosperous Journey, am your Humble Servant
To Lievt William Peabody of General Shirley's Regiment.
you are to take the Party ordered Consisting of one Corporal and 20 Private men under your Command & to Escorte Mr. Dis Ledonier and his men in bringing of Cattle from the Rivers Habitant and Cannard to this Place, and to Lend him all the assistance you Can in Forwarding that affair, if your party wants meat Kinde you are to Supply them I believe mutton will be the Best. wish you a Good March am your Humble Servant
To Lievt Jonas Fitch of General Shirley's Regiment.
after I had wrote my yesterdays Letter the wind blew So Exstreamly Violent that I Could not Send it on Shore, but as the weather is now Settled I hope the Shallops will Come down time Enough on the Next Ebb to permit us to Sail, the Gale was so Violant that most of the Transportes Drove. Perticularly the Sloop Polley, Capt Duning, who has Drove so far up the River as to be out of Sight. I Send you on Shoar Sir Corporal Jennings of ours who is not able to go on the Expedition, thoh I beleive well enough to do Garrison Duty. Should be Very Glad if you would please to Send me another in his room. Solomon Gibson of Capt Hobbs Company broke the locke of his Firelock by an accident and beg you would please Either to change the man or Let him have a Good Fire Locke, we have No Provissions on Board Excepting what is Designed for the March, therefore if you