Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

Records of the Deportation and Le Grand Dérangement, 1714-1768


think proper a Bullock or two would be Very usefull to us. I waite for your Orders and am Sir your Most obediant Humble Servant


On Board the Schooner Dolphin September 19th 1755

      To Colo Winslow, Commanding at Mines


GRAND PRE CAMP 19TH SEPTR, 1755.      


      Your orders I Left yesterday at the Dutchmans at Villogee where I went to Meet you, but the Storme Comeing on I returnd being Sensable you Could Not Come on Shore. I Now Send you a Good Fat Ox and in the room of the man Landed Mr. Buckley has Orders to take Two of your Men from Each Transporte that will Strengen you Seven or Nine men as it Hapens to the Missing Vessel. I Should be Glad Strict Enquiery might be made for those Persons that assisted the French women on shore which hapened in the First of the Evening before you went of, one of the women being now under the Doctrs hands, and her Life Precarious. The Annapolis Deputys are Gone of this Morning. I am now once more to Wish you Success, am with regards to the Gentelmen with you your Most obediant Humble Servt,


To Capt Lewis Commanding his Majtys Forces on Board the Schooner Neptune.

      P.S. I have Sent a Fire Lock for Gilson and Desiered Mr. Buckley to put the Crippled one on Board Capt Adams.



GRAND PRE CAMP 20TH SEPTR, 1755.      


      In My Three Last Letters from his Excellency Govr Lawrance have Mention made of you for the Supplying Provissions for the French Inhabitants who are to be removed & that it was Exspected you were here Some time Since. I Would Inform you that we have at this Place upwards of 300 Now in Custody. 230 of which have been Embarked this Ten Days, they and Families amounting to full 2000 People Exclusive of Cobequid & Piziquid to the First of which Place we have sent a Party to Bring in the People, and have No Provissions to Give them when they arrive, as I have had but one months Provisions for My own Men Since my being here, have hitherto rub throh ye women and Children, Supplying their Frinds, but when the wind Blows, which Sometimes is the Case as well as at Chignecto the People on Board are Starving, and when the Party returns from Cobequid

Selections NSHS II ~ Brown NSHS III ~ Winslow NSHS IV ~ Winslow

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