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Capt Lewis with men (being all we Can Spare from Hence) to assist in bringing in those Inhabitants which I belive will be no easy Task, Capt Lewis has Lately been there and being perfectly well acquainted with the Scituation of the Villages will be the Properest Person to Conduct this Enterprise, and will Give you his Sentiments on the Properest Measures to be Taken for the Effecting of it, Wherefore I would have you and Capt Murray Consult with him upon it. The admiral Some time Since Ordered Capt Diggs in a Twenty Gun Ship to Convoye ye Transportes from the Bason, I hope he is arived before this. I would have you put the men on board as Fast as you Can, and do you Endeavor to Cause the women to Provide them Victuals til they are ready to Sail, as it will be a Considerable Saving to the Goverment, but if this Cant be done you must Follow your Instructions. Rogers brings round more Provissions and will Sail tomorrow or the Day after, The Party brings up the Deputies that were Confined here, that they may Go off with their Families. you will put those belonging to Mines and River Cannard with the Others, and Forward the Annapolis Deputy's to Majr Handfield by a Party. I Exspect the Inhabitants before their being Secured had Nearly Finished their Harvest. All Posable Care must be Taken to Save as Much of the Grain as you can for the Good of the Publick and likewise the Cattle which we Shall want, both for Supplying the Fleet and the Soldiers with Fresh Provissions which I have already Hinted to Capt Murray. |
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